The Photographer

Hello! My name is Emmerson, you can call me Em (He/They). I am a 23-year-old photographer, currently attending university, pursuing a double degree in Photography and Environmental Studies with a focus on Education and Communication.

My photography often centers around the theme of change; within self and the surrounding environment.

This website is a space where you can learn about my work and style as an artist and photographer. Additionally, I use it to demonstrate my growth over time. Some of this work is old and some of it is new!

Book your graduation photos with me!

Available March 30-April 28!

What have I been up to?

I put my most recent work in it’s own tab! You can find that either in the “Recent Work” tab at the top, or by clicking the button below!

  • Swipe For Extra Information and Facts About the Artist

  • This photography website is my portfolio

    I started this website over three years ago and as I add content, the more I can see improvement and growth as a photographer!

  • This website demonstrates my active growth as a photographer

    My editing skills have exponentially improved from the years 2021-2024. I continue to gain more experience in both my own projects and working for commercial photography companies! I hope this growth is recognized when looking at my work. I acknowledge the mistakes made in my older work and I value the ability to appreciate the old and the new!

  • I took a break from digital photography (for a moment)

    In 2022 I began to shoot a lot less digital to allow myself to grow in film photography and alternative processes (Cyanotype, Kalitype, Van Dyke).

    I found a new love and passion for a process called New Cyanotype in which I make digital negatives and print via a dark room in a photo lab.

    While I enjoy these processes, sharing them digitally is a challenge! To keep up with my photography projects, follow my Instagram (click the Instagram icon at the top of this page)! I often post updates on my story!

  • Artist collabs? Yes!!

    I absolutely LOVE working with other artists. There is so much to learn from and share with other artists.

  • For me, photography is all about growth and creative expression

    I am constantly seeking out new ways to create an image, comment on social issues, document the present time, and create solid art.

  • My dream

    I often get the question, “so, what do you want to do with your photography degree”. To put it simply, I want to learn, document, teach, and experience! I love photo journalism, environmental advocacy, self-exploration and expression, and so much more. I carry passion everywhere I go and find fulfilment in each and every project I pursue.

Let’s Connect!